Projects and Case Studies
Operational fusion at a major commercial and passenger port facility
A key US port facility handling bulk, containerized and general cargo as well as cruise passenger service, implemented an enhanced anti-terrorism security program to ensure the safety of cruise passenger traffic and security of hazardous materials storage and transit within the port. The key component of this program would be seamless cross coordination amongst a multi-jurisdictional task force consisting of local, state and federal law enforcement agencies supporting a Defense Support to Civil Authorities mission.
To meet this requirement, a fusion center was established within the port authority’s headquarters. Representatives from each participating organization were included in the watch rotation, allowing for real time access to their own independent databases thereby allowing for the development of a shareable common operating picture used to support daily port security operations. This common operating picture fed a dashboard that allowed port personnel to see every vessel, commercial and passenger, arriving, loading and departing the port along with the contents of their shipping manifest and customs information.
Data access and transparency within a combat support agency
A major US Combat Support Agency sought a way to improve data access and availability in an effort to enhance mission production capabilities to meet consumer needs and help close information gaps. Initially, the organization depended on internal datasets along with those organic to its parent headquarters organization.
Following observation of the existing analytic production cycle and data access and retrieval, an innovative and tiered process was designed which allowed for data from multiple domains as well as external databases to be pulled into the organizations production cycle in real time. This new process assisted in fusing all-source intelligence information and provided novel operational perspective to analytic products, including target and network analysis information. As a secondary effect, this new process increased the transparency of data available from outside the organization and established a data sharing community of practice among subject matter experts, both internal and external, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization’s operations and intelligence cycle.
Biometric information sharing at the national level
A US government organization required a method to more efficiently coordinate the sharing of biometric data on known or suspected terrorists across an interagency enterprise. After assessing existing processes and procedures, it was determined that there were numerous technical and procedural obstacles that prevented some interagency partners from receiving and sharing critical biometric data and files.
After the initial program assessment, a new enterprise-wide system to receive biographic and biometric information on terrorist suspects was developed and implemented, increasing receipt capacity of critical identifying information by an additional 50% from the originally assessed baseline. This newly established intake and sharing framework integrated interagency terrorism analysis capabilities and allowed for the addition of thousands of biometric files of known or suspected terrorists to a national database, allowing for timely watch listing of high-threat individuals deemed a threat to national security.